The life in Norway as a newly arrived migrant
Listen to other migrants life stories and read about the Norwegian society
What can you do today?
Find an organization in the area where you live and volunteer. It helps you learn languages, get a network, and it’s a key to getting a job. You can go to even if you do not know the language. You can visit the website of voluntary organizations or ask the contact person at the asylum reception.
Applying for a job is hard work
Before I got a job, I had sent 100 applications. Never give up. Once you have got a job, you also get experience that makes it easier when you apply for a job next time. In addition, you get a larger network of people who can tell you about other jobs next time. Read more on this website.
Get references in Norway
Employers are not so concerned with the experiences you have from your home country, they are most concerned with the experiences you have from Norway. Never forget to get references for your work, and keep the reference for future use. It is best to have a reference that is well acquainted with Norway and Norwegian culture.
Change can happen now
The best time to start the change is now. Think about what you want to do, what kind of dreams you have. Start working towards it now. Do not think of things that are impossible to achieve. Can you learn languages now? Yes you can. If you use the word impossible, you stop your own development, both in education and work
Kerim from Turkey
The culture, the weather, there was a lot of things we had to learn from the beginning. But I chose to start learning. Even though the burden was heavy. But I felt like a soldier running with to much weight. This is a test, and to complete it I must start.
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Eden from Eritrea
I came to Norway as an adult, all by myself og waited in 6 month in a reception centre
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Følg med direkte på Youtube eller Facebook for samtaler fra personer med vellykkede integreringshistorier å formidle
Neste senderekke er på TYRKISK og vil ta for seg erfaringene til personer godt integrert i arbeid eller utdanning, med fokus på hva andre kan lære av det de har oppnådd i det norske samfunnet.
Publisert Torsdag 26.08.21 kl. 14.00
Erfaringer med å være ny i Norge
Publisert Torsdag 02.09.21 kl. 14.00
Å bygge sosialt nettverk og å lære seg norsk
Publisert Torsdag 09.09.21 kl. 14.00
Veien mot arbeidsliv og utdanning
Lanseringsstream av enFASE 2020 – Her går prosjektleder Anders Stenersen gjennom prosjektet sammen med frivillige Badria. Denne lanseringen er kick-off for videre arbeid med relativt nye innvandre og andre på nett.
KOMMENDE STREAMING – Fra 14.00-14.45
Read more important information about work, education and Norwegian society in English.